Adding a Donation in Checkout

Updated by Margaret Vagnoni

Guests often decide to add donations at checkout. Do this in a few simple steps.

  1. Using event check-out, search for the Contributor by entering the first three letters of the first or last name. Click on the correct name to open the record. The contributor can also be found by searching for the bid number, but bid number must be selected from the drop down menu on the right.
  1. Once the record is open, in the top right corner, select "Add Donation". Guest can choose Standard Donation or Roundup Donation
  1. Standard Donation is a flat amount. Enter the amount and Click Enter Donation.

Round Up Donation is entering an amount of money to make the total a specific amount. Simply enter the amount the guest would like to pay and click Enter. The difference between current total and desired total will be added in the form of a donation.

  1. Continue to check out the guest as normal.

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