AES Suite 2.0

These are not the latest release notes. Some functionality may have been changed in subsequent releases.

Download the full release notes here

January 2018 Release Notes.pdf

Auction Conductor

Cosmetic Upgrades

  • Color palette has been modified to better represent AES branding
  • “Home” renamed to “Dashboard”
  • “Preferences” renamed to “Settings”
  • “Venue Conductor” renamed to “Seating”
  • The “Event Conductor” link has been moved from the Menu bar to the Title bar
  • An “Event Manager” and “Event Microsite” (ELP) links have been added for easier navigation between applications

General Improvements

  • Fixed a minor bug to account time zone offset when saving contributor records
  • Improved the way errors are reported to the user when saving Timelines
  • Fixed a bug that prevented converting some Items to Packages
  • Packages and Contributors sections now switch to the post event grid format after the auction closes


  • Event Overview has been completely redesigned to include much more information and present it in a more understandable format.
  • Hyperlinks have been added to improve Auction Conductor navigation .


  • Added and “Event Landing Page” checkbox to the “Security” tab on the “Edit User” dialog to control access to the “Event Landing Page” section of “Settings”


  • Section name changed from “Preferences”
  • Added an “Event Landing Page” tab for configuring ELP
  • An “Ask if Attending Event” checkbox has been added to the “Mobile Bidding” section to ask patrons who are self-registering online whether they will be attending the event (or just bidding remotely)


  • The Contributor grid now changes from Pre-Event to Post-Event format when the auction closes, improving performance and user experience
  • Enhanced the way the contributor grid is sorted
Pre-Event Grid
  • Added filters to the grid for “Checked-In” status, “SMS Setting”, and “Created By”
  • Added a column for “Checked-In” Status
  • Added a column for “Notes” to display the new “Hidden Notes” field (described below)
Post-Event Grid
  • Rearranged the filters for better workflow
Add Contributor
  • Added a “Salutation” dropdown box to the “Contributor Info” tab
  • “Company” field has been renamed “Company/Group”
  • Added a “Hidden Notes” field. Info saved into this field is only visible to AC users and does not appear in Registration or Check-out notes
  • New fields for the “Sponsorship” type

o “Company/Group” field becomes mandatory

o “Sponsor Logo” and “Sponsor Recognition Detail” fields appear


  • No changes


  • The Package grid now changes from Pre-Event to Post-Event format when the auction closes, improving performance and user experience
  • Number of admissions per package field has been added to the “Sponsorship” package type for including admissions with sponsorship packages
  • “Coupon Code” and “Coupon Price” fields have been added to the Package types of Sponsorship, Registration Extras, Tickets & Admission, Multi-Unit, and Fixed Price to facilitate discounted packages via ELP


  • No changes to report


  • Removed the “No Image” image from patron receipts when no Organization Logo is saved. The AES logo will now be displayed instead unless AES Branding is hidden in Benefit Conductor.
  • Text size has been increased on the “Cash Call” Big Screen Report to improve viewability
  • The Bid Dump report from AES Heritage software has been added to the saved reports in Custom Report Generator


  • Section name changed from “Venue Conductor”
  • Rearrange the page to increase the size of the grid
  • Added grid filters for contributor “Type”, “Affiliation” type, and “Table” number
  • Added columns to the grid for contributor “Type”, “Company” and “Notes”
  • Renamed the “Attendees” column to “#ppl” (number of people)
  • Changed the “Export to PDF” button to the export icon used in the rest of Auction Conductor and moved its position to the upper right corner of the section (Functionality remains the same)
  • Improved the functionality of seating associated patrons

o When you drag the “master” record for associated patrons to a table, the system will ask you if you wish to drag all associated patrons to the table as well

o If a user drags one of the associated patrons, and not the “master” record, then only the selected record will be seated, and the remaining associated patrons will remain unseated.

if any unseated patrons remain associated to the “master” record, then the entire record will stay in the unseated list until all patrons have been assigned a table.

Benefit Conductor

General Improvements

  • Back end changes were made to accommodate the new ELP functionality

Configure Reports & Templates

  • Added a new snippet for “Base Cost” to the “Proposal” and “Contract” tabs to represent the base package cost before add-ons are applied

Manage Events

  • Added a field for “IATS Landing Page Code” in the “About the Event” section in order to differentiate between EC and ELP sales in the IATS backend
  • Renamed “IATS Client Code” to “IATS Event Code” in the “About the Event” section
  • Removed the fields for “Paddle Logo” and “Bid Sheet logo” from the Preferences tab, as those fields are no longer used
  • Added a section to “Server Configuration” to deploy ELP

My Availability

  • Branding has been updated on the schedule generated by pressing “Print my Schedule”

AC Data Import

  • Added a new column to the contributor import for “Salutation” and a validation that if used, the salutation matches an accepted type
  • Added a validation to where BC parses a contributor type of “Attending” or “Online” to also include the “Patron” contributor type automatically
  • Updated Data Import Templates can be found in the Auction Conductor folder under Software Release Files in Dropbox.
Always ensure you are using data import templates directly from Dropbox and not locally saved copies.

Event Conductor


  • An “Ask if Attending Event” checkbox has been added to the Self-Registration popup to ask patrons who are self-registering online whether they will be attending the event (or just bidding remotely). This checkbox can be hidden in AC/BC.
  • A hidden “Created By” tag containing the device name on which the patron self-registered is now created along with the contributor record and visible in the AC Contributor grid

Auction Eye

  • “Total Expected Guests” and “Not Registered Guests” now count only contributors with the type “Attending” instead of “Patron” to ensure a more accurate guest count

The Search button on iOS 11 devices has been removed to work around a bug in iOS that prevented the search function from working correctly. Users will need to hit the “Go” key on there iOS keyboard to initiate a search on their iPhones or iPads

How did we do?