Edit a Bid

Updated by Ashley McClure

There may be several reasons when a silent auction bid needs to be edited either during or after the auction. The most common need to edit a bid stems from a bidder entering the incorrect Maximum Bid.

To edit a silent auction bid in Auction Conductor, navigate to the Packages grid and search for the package either by name or number that needs to be edited.

Double click on the package or click the pencil on the right hand side to open the package record. Click on the Sales information tab.

Click on the pencil icon to edit the winning bid and hit the save button when complete.

Only the winning or current high bid can be edited.

Alternatively, a bid can also be edited in the Contributors grid of Auction Conductor by clicking on "Contributors" and searching for the bidder number or name the needs to be edited.

Double click on the contributor record that needs to be edited or click on the pencil icon on the right hand side to open the record and click on the Activity tab. The bid history will show here along with the Edit Action.

Once in the edit screen, type in the desired bid amount and hit save.

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