Microsite Banner Notification Feature

Updated by Jon Doehling

There may be times when you need to convey an important message to users visiting your event microsite. While the inforamtion could be posted in the rich text areas of the site, sometimes the message needs to be displayed bit more prominently. Examples include COVID restrictions, ticket sales closing soon, or change in event date or venue. For these important communications, we have created a standalone banner notification feature that apears at the top of each page until the user closes it manually.

The banner will appear on every page of the microsite, until the user closes it using the X icon. Once closed, the banner will stay hidden for the rest of the user's browser session, but will appear again the next time they visit the site.


In Auction Conductor > Setup > Microsite > General

there is a section to configure the Banner Notification feature

  • Enable/disable will show/hide the notification on all microsite pages
  • Tint Color will set the background color for the notification
  • Icon may be set with the following options
  • Notification Text can contain hyperlinks and simple formatting options (text size, color, bold, italic, etc.)

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