Outbid Alerts- How to Opt in

Updated by Ashley McClure

The AES mobile bidding system supports the ability to notify bidders via text message when they have been outbid. In order for a bidder to receive these text notifications, they must opt-in to receiving the communications from AES.

There are four ways in which bidders can opt-in to receive text notifications:

1. When purchasing tickets through an AES hosted Event Microsite, bidders are prompted to Opt-In when entering their personal contact information.

2. When using the AES Express Check In process, bidders are prompted to Opt-In when entering their personal contact information.

3. When bidders access the Self Registration feature in the mobile bidding app, they are prompted to Opt-In when entering their personal contact information.

4. When bidders check in onsite at the event, they will be asked if they wish to opt-in to receive text notifications if they have not already registered online or purchased tickets through the AES system. The registration staff will mark them as Opted in accordingly.

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