Auction Item Pickup Feature

Updated by Jon Doehling

At the conclusion of the silent/live auctions, winning bidders may either pay for their winnings via their own device (Configuring & Using Self-Checkout) or by staffed checkout.

Once the contributor has paid, they may proceed to the item pickup area to claim their items. While there are many ways to organize and successfully manage the item pickup process, this article will focus on how to electronically track which items have been claimed or flagged for shipping.

Running Item Pickup at the Event

  1. At the conclusion of the auction, gather at least 1 device pointed to the mobile bidding application. While a smartphone will suffice, its highly recommended to use a full size tablet as it will be easier to use. It's also recommended to assign 1 device per volunteer/runner who will be tasked with retrieving auction items for the winners.
  2. From the mobile bidding categories page, type the Volunteer Access Password into the search field and enter. If entered correctly this will bring up the hidden tools menu.
  3. In the tools menu, click the checkbox for Enable Item Pickup Screen and click save.
If the checkbox is greyed out and unavailable to click, make sure you have something entered into the device name field. If using your own device, this can be your name. Whatever is entered here will appear in the logs when an item is claimed.
  1. Now you will notice the Item Pickup option in the main menu. Click it to begin the process for a winning bidder.
  2. When prompted, enter the bidder number for the person who wishes to claim their items.
  3. If the bidder still has a balance due for auction items that are closed, then they will need to pay for those items before proceeding. At this point you may either direct them to the staffed checkout area or better yet, text a payment link to their phone.
  1. If the bidder is fully paid for auction items that are closed, you will see a list of packages they have won or are currently winning.
Packages will NOT be listed if they are set to N/A pickup type (meaning they are not physical or certificate) or if they are set to tickets and admission, donation, or sponsorship type.
It is not possible to complete pickup or shipping for auction packages that are still open for bidding. These will be indicated by the Open icon and the claimed/shipping checkboxes will not be selectable.
  1. Take the device with you as you shop for the items to be picked up. If something is proving difficult to find, use the information icons to view helpful detail about the package and its included items (if applicable).
  2. Indicate which packages are being claimed (taken immediately) or marked for shipping (to be set aside for shipping at a later time). If a package cannot be found, you should leave it blank. When finished, click complete pickup.
  3. You will see a confirmation message when finished.

Tracking Item Pickup Status

Each package (and each associated item contained within that package) will now be marked appropriately in the system under the location field.

From the Items or Packages tab, set the location filter to shipping or claimed.

Additionally, each winning bid/purchase will be marked accordingly with additional detail about the user (device name) and timestamp logged when pickup was completed.

Contributor Activity Screen

  • Package Sales Information Screen
  • Reporting > Invoice Summary
  • Reporting > Custom Report Generator > (Sales, Bids, and Bidder) entities

Editing Item Pickup Status

Please note that the pickup status saved under winning bids/sales is not directly connected to the item/package location field. While both are set when item pickup is completed, it is possible to change one field or the other independently which may cause conflicting data if not used appropriately.

If you need to make a change to the item pickup status you may do so by editing the winning bid or purchase in the package detail screen.

Editing Item/Package Location

Once the item or package has shipped, you may wish to track the new status. This is easily done by editing the location from the item or package detail screen.

Updating the location for a package will automatically update the location for each item contained within that package.

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