Accepting/Splitting Payments

Updated by Margaret Vagnoni

Accepting/Splitting Payments

Taking and splitting payments at checkout is easy to do with only a few simple steps. Payments accepted can be check, cash or any major credit card.

  1. Using event check-out, search for the Contributor by entering the first three letters of the first or last name. Click on the correct name to open the record. The contributor can also be found by searching for the bid number, but bid number must be selected from the drop down menu on the right.
  1. In the lower right corner, click the "add payment" button. Guest can pay with cash, check, or any major credit card.
  1. Cash- select the cash option. If the guest is splitting the payment between cash and another payment option, enter the amount the guest is paying in cash and click process. Then select the other form of payment.
  2. Check- select the check option. Enter the check number. If the guest is splitting the payment between cash and another payment option, enter the amount the guest is paying in check and click process. Then select the other form of payment.
  3. Credit Card- select the credit card option. Then select "use this card" or "I would like to add another card". If the guest would like to split payment between cards, select the first card and enter the amount they want to put on the chosen card, then click process. Then click add payment again and click "I would like to add another card" and process the remaining amount.
  4. When the button in the lower right hand corner turns green and says "Finalize" the receipt can be emailed and/or printed.

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