AES Suite 11.3

Updated by Jon Doehling


This version is a minor update, released on March 12, 2024.

New Features & Improvements

Auction Displays

Affected Apps: Auction Conductor

A new PDF report has been added to generate auction item displays, in either full page (8.5"x11") or half page (8.5"x5.5") sizes. Includes the ability to populate logos, custom backgrounds, QR codes linking directly to the package page in the mobile bidding app, the (main) package image, description, restrictions, donor, value, category, and distribution type.

Details can be found here: Auction Display Sheets

QR Code Check-In, 'Already Arrived' Warning

Affected Apps: Event Manager

When scanning QR code tickets at event check-in, the scanner will now receive a warning if the ticket has already been scanned for this particular guest. This is to curb any attempts to share screenshots of tickets while still allowing for re-entry.

Revamped Processing Fee Calculations

Affected Apps: Ticketing Microsites

The 'flat surcharge' fee has been redefined from a per-ticket to per-authorization fee. For example, if the guest is purchasing 2 tickets, instead of charging 2 x $0.25 = $0.50, we are now only charging $0.25 for the single credit card payment.

Reduction of Padding Around Content Boxes

Affected Apps: Ticketing Microsites

To allow for more usable content areas, with less padding around left and right sides.

Ticketing Admin Mode - Show Unpublished Packages

Affected Apps: Ticketing Microsites

Ticketing Admin will now show unpublished ticketing, sponsorship, and multi-unit packages, to enable admins to easily sell packages not available to the general public.

Digital Program Improvements

Affected Apps: Mobile Bidding

Multiple improvements to the mobile bidding digital program feature, including the ability to configure and test the program without showing it in the mobile bidding app, and the ability to move the program to the second tab of the main menu, leaving auction on the homepage.

Reordering Package Number Improvements

Affected Apps: Auction Conductor

Previously it was not possible to re-order live auction package numbers once the silent auction had opened. This was changed to allow re-arranging of Live Auction packages until the 'Live Auction Start Time' in Setup > Timelines.

Displaying Companies in the Contributors Grid

Affected Apps: Auction Conductor

Contributor records that are marked as 'Company' will now display differently in the contributors grid.

The grid will show First Name = Company and Last Name = [Company Name]

This is to reduce confusion about which records are companies (typically 5 digit bidder numbers) and which are individuals with admission tickets (3 or 4 digit bidder numbers).

Reporting Improvements

Affected Apps: Auction Conductor

  • Added new columns (affiliation type, contributor type, company name) to the 'Bidder' entity in custom report generator.
  • Added a new column (pickup status) to the 'Package' entity in custom report generator.
  • Added new columns (company, contributor type, VIP) to the 'Custom Questions' entity in custom report generator.
  • In the bid paddle PDF report, we added a date range filter for 'checked-in' date/time. This enables the user to generate bid paddles for only those who checked-in after paddles were last printed.
  • Added 'Sales Tax' revenue to the fundraising totals on the dashboard, and in the Post-Event Analysis PDF.
  • Added a custom label for 'Sales Tax' so it may be clarified (CO State Sales Tax) or repurposed (Buyers Premium).
  • Updated the layout of both 'Complete' PDF receipts, to more clearly communicate balance due.
  • Added 'Potential tax benefit' section to basic receipts. May be enabled/disabled in Setup > App Settings.
  • Launched BETA integration with Adobe Analytics on ticketing sites. Please reach out to for details on this integration.

Messaging Improvements

Affected Apps: Auction Conductor

  • Added new data snippets to message composition screens.
    • Contributor meal choice
    • Custom field answers (varies depending on custom fields set)

Bug Fixes

  • When slashing minimum bids in Event Manager, the package 'reserve' was occasionally being ignored. This was fixed to abide by the rules found here: Lowering Minimum Bids
  • Session management improvements to Event Manager, to better log the user out when connection is lost after a long period of sitting unattended.
  • Fixed a scenario that would cause incorrect showing of "paid" status in the Event Manager Checkout search grid.
  • Fixed various issues with search and predictive search functions in Event Manager check-in.
  • Banner notifications on ticketing sites will now obey text justification settings (left, center, right).
  • Corrected a bug that would calculate a negative tax benefit when certain coupon codes were used.
  • Increased the size of sharing icons on ticketing sites.
  • Improved resolution of rotating thumbnail images in the mobile bidding application.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause an error when re-assigning bidder numbers with many online patrons.
  • In Auction Conductor, when dragging items into a package, we fixed a bug that would prevent the images from showing immediately.
  • Fixed some image sizing issues on the big screen report for 'Specific Package Slides'.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the deletion of unused coupon codes.
  • Increased the size and added color to the 'Save' button in Auction Conductor table seating module.

Security Updates

  • Updated rich text editors to Tiny MCE 6.0.
  • Updated jQuery instances to version 3.6.4.
  • Updated password hashing algorithms from SHA1 to ARGON2.

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