Add a Sale to a Contributor

Updated by Jon Doehling

On the contributor detail screen, there is a button for +New that will enable the user to enter a new sale or winning bid for the contributor.

After clicking the +New button, a new window will appear for you to add the sale. Cursor focus will begin in the package number field.

  • In the package to sell field, either key in the package number and press enter, or select the package from the dropdown box.
  • Once in the price field, either click the enter key to accept the pre-set sale price, or key in a new price and click enter.
  • Once in the quantity field, either click the enter key to accept a quantity of one, or key in a new quantity and click enter.
  • The sale will now be saved into the system and all fields will be cleared, so you may continue by entering another sale.

Validations exist here to prevent (or at least warn) the user if they are attempting to sell the package for less than intended in the package settings, or than allowed according to current max bids.

Warnings allowing a sale with confirmation exist for:

  • Selling the package for less than the pre-set minimum bid
  • Selling the package for less than the next available bid (current bid + bid increment).

Errors preventing a sale exist for:

  • Selling the package for less than the current winning (maximum) bid
  • Selling the package for less than the pre-set reserve amount

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