AES Suite 4.0

These are not the latest release notes. Some functionality may have been changed in subsequent releases.
Version 4 was a minor update with no added features

Auction Conductor

  • Fixed a bug which caused some AC users to be issued the incorrect bidder number
  • Fixed a bug that caused users of cloned events to be automatically assigned a bidder number without being marked as a patron
  • Changed functionality so that if a card is placed on file at registration or via Multi-Unit Instant Pay, it is available to all associated bidders
  • Payments now display the same between primary and secondary contributors
  • Fixed the Issue Report that can be saved after submitting transactions

Event Conductor

Live Preview
  • Fixed a bug that caused display issues on some small screen devices
  • Fixed how self registrations are recorded in Auction Conductor

Event Manager

Volunteer Login
  • The volunteer login checkbox is now only available during the Event Start & End Times in Benefit Conductor
  • Fixed a bug that included declined transactions in the total payment calculation
Associated Bidders
  • Changed functionality so that if a card is placed on file at registration or via Multi-Unit Instant Pay, it is available to all associated bidders
  • Changed functionality so that if a bidder is invoiced at checkout, all associated bidders are also marked as invoiced in Auction Conductor

Event Landing Pages

  • Added the Event name and URL to the emails AES event planners receive when an error occurs or a transaction is denied
  • Fixed a bug that included declined transactions in the total payment calculation

Benefit Conductor

Review Charges Before Submitting
  • This function now works correctly across all AES software platforms

How did we do?