Details & Location

Updated by Margaret Vagnoni

If you don't see the Details & Location Tab, please contact your AES representative.

Event Details

Here you will find known details related to your event. Some of these fields may only be estimates, and that is completely OK. Detailed information will help your AES representative to anticipate your needs throughout the process and will result in a smooter ordering process.

  • Event/Campaign Title: Title of the event that will display on all sites.
  • Event/Campaign Type: Your AES service pacakge for this event.
  • Environment: Where event functions will take place. Indoor, Outdoor or Both.
  • Format: Cocktails, Dinner, Cocktails & Dinner or Public.
  • Event/Campaign Code: Unique event code used by your Organization.
  • AES ID: Unique event identifyer automatically generated by the AES system.
  • Attendees: Rough estimate of guests expected to attend the event.
  • Seating: Assigned, Open or None. Affects how seating is handled elsewhere in the system.
  • Display Table Names: Check this to show table names on the Bid Paddles printed through AES system.
  • Silent Auction: Select if your event will include a Silent Auction.
  • Silent Pkgs: Rough estimate of expected silent auction packages.
  • Live Auction: Select if your event will include a Live Auction.
  • Live Pkgs: Rough estimate of expected live auction packages.
  • Special Items: Select if your event will feature any multi-unit item sales (such as Wine Pull, Raffles, Heads/Tails, etc.)
  • Kiosks: Enter how many tablets are needed for multi-unit sales (Tablets must be added to the Event/Campaign Type.) There may be an extra charge for equipment provided by AES.
  • Donations: Select if your event will include an ask for donations.
  • Ask Method: Choose the method of donation ask (One or more may be checked).

Event Location

Information about the venue is entered in this section. If incorrect in any way, please notify your AEs representative immediately.

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