Printing Bid Paddles at Check-In

Updated by Russell Lennon

Printing bid paddles at check-in is a great way to simplify your pre-event preparations. By waiting to print the bid paddle (and corresponding table assignment) until the guest has arrived, you can greatly reduce your pre-event stress. Feel free to adjust your seating chart the day of the event, without reprinting bid paddles eery time an assignment changes.
Before check-in opens, make sure to set the desired paddle size (full-page or half-page) in your event settings
To set the paddle type in Auction Conductor
  1. Click on Settings in the main menu navigation
  2. Under the Auction Properties Tab, locate the Live Auction Paddle Format drop down box.
  3. Here is where you find the Bid Paddle options. None, Half, Full, or Pre-Printed.
  4. Once you return to the checkout screen, Bid Paddles will be defaulted to print if Half or Full is chosen.
Or, to set the paddle type in Event Manager
  1. Click the Advanced Tools menu option on the left side of the screen
  2. Enter the password sea
  3. Choose the paddle type you wish to use (half or full)
  4. Make sure to save changes before exiting

Now that your paddle type is set, you may print bid paddles for attendees during check-in

  1. Open the Check-In screen to search for a Contributor. Click on the correct name to open the record.
  2. On the bottom left of the screen, locate the green slider labeled Print Bid Paddle. In the green YES position, bid paddles will print as previously set...Half/Full.
  3. Click Save
    Your selection for YES/NO will be remembered for subsequent check-ins for the remainder of your login session. This means you will NOT need to check the Print Bid Paddle setting each and every time.
  4. You may see a pop-up for SMS text notifications. Complete this screen as needed.
  5. When the attendee is fully checked in, you will see a preview of the bid paddle in the print dialog screen.
  6. Select the blue Print button to print the bid paddle and return to the check-in screen.
If the contributor has a table number assigned, it will appear on the bid paddle under thier name.

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