AES Suite 10.2

Updated by Jon Doehling

This is a minor update, released on March 16, 2022.

Event Conductor (EC)

EC log-in validation  - Fixed a bug that caused last name validation to fail when it contained an apostrophe (O’Hare).

Event Microsites (ELP)

When contributors are merged – EC is notified of the change and “switches” to the correct bidder# if they are logged in with the old, released bidder number.  We have added the same kind of functionality to ELP in this version.

Auction Conductor (AC)

Fixed a bug on the invoice summary where the DonationID was appearing instead of the short description.

Fixed a bug where the receipt would show in landscape view instead of portrait.

Added the bidder number as a valid search criteria for the merge function.  Currently search would only work by name.

Fixed a bug where the item/package description & restriction fields would let you type in more than the 750 character limit (for closeouts only) but would not save because the characters were too long.

Fixed a bug on the reset password page for AC users.  When the new password failed to meet the requirements, it would not be saved and no error was given.  Now the requirements are validated and the user must enter the correct format to proceed. 

Added a confirmation dialog to contributor delete in AC – when the contributor is also a user.

Added the “reply-to” address to test emails, so that the recipient can simply reply with suggested changes.

Multiple Apps

PDF Receipts in AC & EM – Added a 4th option for In-kind with complete contact information.

Fixed a bug where events are still showing Standard time (CST) instead of Daylight time (CDT) in both EC and ELP

Added DKIM validation to all outgoing emails – which should decrease the number of messages ending up in spam folders.


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