Printing Attendee Lists

Updated by Russell Lennon

We have found that it is quite helpful to have a backup paper list of event atendees to be available at check-in, even (especially) when technology is being used. In the rare case of a technoloy failure such as power failure or lost internet connectivity, these paper sheets will be invaluable to the overall success of the event.
It is highly reccommended that you print at least one packet per 2 check-in lines in case of emergency.
  1. Log into Auction Conductor.
  2. Choose Seating from the main menu navigation.
  3. Click the List Icon on the right side of the screen. This will bring up Registration List Export Options.
  4. Here is where you choose what guest information you want printed on a paper list for Registration. Options to include Company and Affiliation can be checked. Also choose to sort the list by Table number, Bidder Number, or Last Name.
  5. Click the Blue OK button to Export the Registration list to PDF for printing.
  6. The export can take a while to download if the registration list is extensive.
  7. Once downloaded, you can print the PDF or save it to your machine for later use.
At the end of the PDF you will find a table chart showing where any open seats are located, along with a meal count for the catering depatment.

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