Color Match a Microsite to a Logo

Updated by Jon Doehling

When building your event ticketing microsite, you are asked for a primary color. This color will be used as a base in many places in your microsite, so choosing a color that matches your organization or event logo is reccommended.

Colors must be entered in a 6 digit HEX format. If you are unsure of how to obtain this HEX key for a given color, this article will show you how to find a close approximation using free tools available online.

  1. Go to
  2. Upload your image
  3. Click in the area containing the color you want to lookup
  4. Copy the HTML Code, it will be in a 6 digit format, such as #0085E0
  5. Paste this code into the Tinto Color field in Settings > Event Landing Page > General > General Settings
  6. Done! Your microsite will now display this as your main color.

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