Setting a Preferred Credit Card at Check-In

Updated by Russell Lennon

Contributors are able to specify which credit card they would like to use as thier preferred payment type for all purchases for any particular event/campaign.
In this article, we will show you how to choose which credit card will be automatically charged during final payment collection at the conclusion of your event.
The preferred credit card will only be charged if the contributor fails to come to the checkout desk at the conclusion of your event.
  1. Using event check-in, search for the Contributor by entering the first three letters of the last name or company name. Click on the correct name to open the record.
  2. Click on the green Credit Card button on the left side of the screen to attach a credit card or to see Credit Cards on File.
  3. Click on the blue Add a Card button to add an additional credit card.
  4. Click on the star to the left of the credit card to make it the preferred card. It will become highlighted in yellow and will say preferred next to the card number.
That's it, you're done! The preferred card will be used for any purchases that the contributor fails to pay for during checkout.

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