Selling Admission Tickets at Check-In

Updated by Russell Lennon

Ocassionally it may be necessary to sell an admission ticket to a guest during the check-in process. This would apply to any walk-in or unexpected guests you wish to accommodate by selling them an admission ticket as they enter the venue.
  1. Either search for an existing attendee or click the +New button to create a new Contributor (for walk-ins).
  2. Once you have the Contributor record open, locate the Red Unpaid Admission Tickets button. Click on it to open the Admission Tickets box.
  3. Change the quantity of tickets needed on the right side to the corresponding number needed for the group of attendees.
  4. Click the Blue Next button.
  5. Payment for the admission tickets is required immediately. Depending on the accepted payment types configured in event settings, patrons will be presented with options for payment. Options can include cash, check, or credit card (VS, MC, DS, AMX).
    If a credit card is used, it will not be charged until the end of the event. This will give the contributor the opportunity to change payment types later at checkout.
  6. If the contributor is paying by credit card, you will be asked to swipe the credit card using the AES USB credit card reader.
  7. The Contributor record will now show a Green Paid button under Admission Tickets along with the number of admissions purchased. The ticket has now been added to the contributor record, along with the accompanying payment. You may now continue checking in the guest as usual.

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