Sponsored Admission Tickets

Updated by Jon Doehling

A sponsored admission ticket is unique in the fact that it is purchased by a Contributor as a gift back to the organization. The contributor does not get access to the ticket, instead it will be assigned to someone else by the organization. For example, a school may wish to sell sponsored tickets for teachers to attend the event. Contributors can buy a sponsored ticket on behalf of one of these teachers, and the organization can assign them to teachers as the event nears.

To configure a sponsored admission ticket package

  1. Log in to Auction Conductor and navigate to the Packages tab
  2. Open an existing Tickets and Admission package, or create a new one
  3. Check the box for Ticket is Sponsored to identify the package as a sponsored type
Sponsored tickets behave differently than regular admission tickets. Please make sure to also create a package for regular admission tickets, as unique pacakges are needed to sell both scenarios.

The user experience when purchasing a sponsored admission ticket package

  1. On your Event Microsite > Ticketing page, the user can select the sponsored admission ticket quantity.
  2. Notice the only field available for a Sponsored Ticket are Special Requests, which is optional. Here the buyer could specify who they wish to gift the ticket to, if applicable.
  3. Regular tickets require more information about the attendee. These fields do NOT apply for sponsored tickets.

To assign a sponsored ticket to the attendee

  1. Once the sponsored ticket has been purchased, you will see a couple of new records in the Contributors section of Auction Conductor. One record will be the buyer (this one has the sale and the payment), and the other will be a placeholder record for the sponsored ticket.
  1. To assign the sponsored ticket to a specific attendee, open the "sponsored by" Contirbutor, and edit thier name and contact information as needed. Then save the record. That's it, your'e done! The attendee will now be found at event check-in using iehter thier name, or the sponsors name when searching.

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