Create Contributor API Call
- Creates a new contributor in AES database and returns a unique id to identify the created record.
Production Endpoint: https://auctionconductor.com/API/createContributor
Test Endpoint: https://actestserver.com/API/createContributor
Accepted Data
Parameter | Required | Format | Default | Description |
first_name | Y | 50 chars | (none) | Contributor first name |
middle_name | N | 50 chars | (none) | Contributor middle name |
last_name | Y | 50 chars | (none) | Contributor last name |
company | N | 255 chars | (none) | Company or Group name |
title | N | 50 chars | (none) | Occupation title |
address1 | N | 50 chars | (none) | Address first line |
address2 | N | 50 chars | (none) | Address second line |
city | N | 50 chars | (none) | Address city |
state | N | 50 chars | (none) | US State or Country (outside of US). For state use 2 characters (NY, AL, NE, etc). Check Appendix A for US codes and Country names. |
zip | N | 5 chars | (none) | Address zip code |
contributor_since | Y | MM/DD/YYYY | today’s date | Date in which Contributor record was created |
phone | N | 10 digits | (none) | Landline phone number. |
cell | N | 10 digits | (none) | Cellular phone number, to be used in SMS text alerts |
fax | N | 10 digits | (none) | Fax number |
website | N | 50 chars | (none) | Website |
salutation | N | 10 chars | (none) | Must be one of the following: Ms., Mrs., Mr., Dr., Hon., Sis., Br., Mons. |
N | xxx@xxx.xxx | (none) | Email address | |
email_opt | N | true or false | false | Contributor wishes to opt out of email communications |
Return Values
Parameter | Value | Description |
contributor_id | number | Unique id that identifies created record. This number can be used for later calls such as updateContributor, deleteContributor, createEventContributor, etc. |
Sample Call
first_name: 'John',
last_name: 'Smith',
contributor_since: '01/01/2010',
cell: '1234567890',
email: 'john@aes.com'
Sample Response
"contributor_id": 35664